Our Practice in Chandler

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Empowering Understanding & Building Relationships

We’re passionate about education and healthy eyes–-we enjoy simplifying complex concepts into language our patients can understand.

We know first impressions last. When you’re here, you’re family, and we’d like for your first appointment to be the beginning of something special.

Whether you’re here for your child’s first eye exam, managing myopia, or want to learn more about Freedom Ortho-k, our team is here to discuss a solution with your family in mind. 

Living with discomfort is not an option for us. Discover how our nurturing approach can help you live the life you deserve. 

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Discover Personalized Eye Care for Years to Come

By helping you learn new things, we hope to make your stay with us a little more special than just another appointment with your optometrist.

Our team is committed to providing you with understanding every step of the way and building lasting relationships with every patient.

We understand the link between clear vision and a fulfilling life, and we’re committed to helping you see and live your best.

Meet Our Eye Doctor

Dr. Whipple graduated with honors from the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee. His training encompasses all aspects of optometry, including primary eye care, medical eye care, contact lens care, vision therapy, and pediatric vision. He relocated back west to practice in Mesa, Arizona, assuming ownership of Mesa Eye Care when his father, Dr. Deon, retired. 

Dr. Whipple enjoys working with people of all ages and is particularly interested in fitting all types of contact lenses, including toric (for astigmatism), multifocal, monovision, gas permeable, and orthokeratology (nighttime contact lens wear to correct nearsightedness). He aims to make a difference in his patients and the community.

A born and raised Arizonian, Dr. Whipple, his wife, Kimee, and 4 wonderful children reside in Gilbert, Arizona. Outside the office, Dr. Whipple enjoys outdoor activities–especially hiking with his family–and has grown fond of gardening. He also has an interest in American history.

Meet Our Team

Tracie Simmons, Accounting Specialist
Eric Birdtail, Office Manager
Dr. Destin Whipple, Optometrist

Anish Shamar, Technician
Mary Briseno, Receptionist

Our Technology

By providing accurate and personalized information, our technology ensures that every family member receives tailored care based on their specific eye health needs.

From children to adults, our technology helps us better understand your family’s eyes, allowing us to provide precise diagnoses and effective treatments for everyone.

Virtual Reality Visual Field

A visual field method tests your ability to see above, below, and to either side of you. Visual field testing can help diagnose eye, optic nerve, and central nervous system diseases.

Retinal imaging can provide additional precision to your comprehensive eye exam. It involves taking a digital picture of your retina, helping your doctor diagnose specific conditions, and evaluate the state of your eyes.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) allows us to create high-resolution images of the retina. Identifying the layers within the retina and measuring retinal thickness can guide the early detection and diagnosis of retinal disorders and conditions.

Optical biometry helps us accurately measure your eye’s unique structure and shape, including axial length (the length from front to back).

This essential information helps us diagnose and plan treatment, from detecting early signs of eye conditions to effectively managing nearsightedness (myopia).

Our Location

Our Address

  • 590 N. Alma School Rd Suite #17
  • Chandler, AZ 85224

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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