Myopia Management in Chandler

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Treating for Myopia Starts Here

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common condition in which distant objects appear blurry. It often runs in families, so kids of myopic parents need to get regular eye exams to prevent further vision damage.

At Desert Family Eye Care, we prioritize early myopia detection for your child’s eye health with a fun and friendly approach. We provide personalized myopia management solutions.

We provide strategies to slow down the progression of myopia and safeguard their precious eyesight. Let’s work together to ensure your family’s vision remains crystal clear—schedule your kid’s eye exam with us today!

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Why Early Detection Matters

Early detection is key in managing myopia and preserving your child’s vision for the future. 

We start by measuring axial length for all patients aged 4 and above. If there are signs or a family history of myopia, we enroll the child in a monitoring program and see them 3 times a year to ensure their vision stays on track. 

Schedule your child’s eye exam today to help safeguard their vision and set them up for success.

Monitoring Your Child’s Progression: Axial Length Measurement

Axial length measurement is important in monitoring myopia progression and determining treatment success. This measurement provides valuable information about the length of the eyeball, which can help determine the severity of myopia.

By tracking axial length over time, we can objectively assess the effectiveness or success of myopia control strategies and adjust treatment plans as needed.

Axial length measurement helps our team to provide personalized care tailored to each child’s unique needs and goals, helping the best possible outcomes in managing myopia and preserving long-term eye health. It can also detect myopic elongation long before the glasses prescription actually increases in nearsightedness, allowing for a more proactive approach to minimizing myopia.

Finding Tailored Treatment

When it comes to managing myopia, there are several treatment options to consider.

Our personalized approach helps your child receive suitable treatment for their unique eye shape and vision needs. 

By measuring the shape of your child’s cornea and tailoring myopia-control contact lenses like MiSight 1-day to fit comfortably, we can help slow down the progression of myopia and give you peace of mind.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-k)

Ortho-k is an option for controlling myopia for those who don’t want to wear glasses or daytime contact lenses. Ortho-k lenses gradually reshape the cornea at night to provide clear vision throughout the day without the need for corrective eyewear.

MiSight and NaturalVue are specialized myopia control contact lenses that have been shown to reduce myopia’s progress. With our tailored approach, your child may have clearer vision, be free of glasses, and carry on with their favorite activities without worrying about replacing lost glasses.

These drops can help children’s myopia progress more gradually over time by telling the eye to stop growing.

Discover Fun & Effective Treatments Today

Ready to give your child the gift of clear vision? Our team is here to help. We focus on making kids feel comfortable during their visit and can even make learning about their vision fun for them.

With our nurturing approach, we want every visit to be enjoyable. Let’s find a solution that works for your family—schedule your child’s appointment today!

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Our Location

Our Address

  • 590 N. Alma School Rd Suite #17
  • Chandler, AZ 85224

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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